Meet Your New Best Friend: How Techdin AI Can Make Your Life Easier

Shira Tennbaume

Shira Tennbaume

As I sat down with Ligal Rahamim, manager of Legal Tech activities, and Mila Zilberman, CMO from Guideline Group, I was fascinated to learn about Techdin AI and its incredible, innovative capabilities. I was fortunate enough to see the system in action and learn about its many features!

In this interview, we learn about the advanced technology used to develop this product and how this beneficial system was developed.

Tell me more about your company and the product you offer.

 Guideline Group is a veteran group of companies traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and is considered a leader in the Israeli market in providing technological solutions, professional tools, and information and business-based insights to professionals in the LegalTech, FinTech, InvesTech, and BusinessTech sectors.

The technology developed by the group is used by tens of thousands of finance, stock market, and legal professionals. Our products provide helpful technological solutions to the many challenges professionals and companies are facing nowadays. The combination of the group’s vast databases and advanced technologies allow professionals to gain insights based on professional knowledge and information.

A phrase that accompanies our company’s strategy is “we provide an innovative solution in the legal AI world within the LegalTech field”. Techdin AI is a leading and highly advanced system in the field today that allows you to locate any desired legal information within a matter of a few seconds, analyze precedents, and build a legal strategy. The AI system is based on “closed” and accurate information – about 8 million verdicts and legal materials updated on a daily basis. Combining relevant and accurate information with advanced technology enables a leading solution.

Additionally, we provide management systems for law firms, professional law textbooks, and information and data websites within the legal field. Thanks to its position as a pioneer in the field of technologies, the Group recognized the professional need to produce an advanced solution dedicated to an audience of lawyers suitable for the challenges that accompany them today in their work.

How was your product developed?

Given the dynamic nature of this technology, our AI system’s development needed to be highly adaptable. Initially, our focus was on creating a tool that could quickly and easily locate legal materials based on the data we had. However, as we progressed, we discovered additional capabilities, such as analyzing legal documents, facilitating interactive discussions around cases and legislation, understanding legal strategies, and even assessing judicial tendencies. At this point, we decided to broaden our scope, pausing development to reconsider the system’s potential and expand its offerings, which led to the creation of our new “legal helper.” Before launching, we rigorously tested the system using official Bar exams, and only after it achieved a high score did we move forward with the product. Throughout development, we placed a strong emphasis on data and information security, recognizing its critical importance for our users. Privacy and security solutions were integral to the system’s design, ensuring that our product not only meets but exceeds the expectations of those who rely on it.

How is your product reliable from a legal standpoint?

Product reliability is the most important aspect in these types of launches, and it must contain only relevant and clear information. The difference between our product and open-AI products such as ChatGPT available online is the data accuracy that users receive in the answers that our system provides them with.

We have a clear advantage since we are a veteran data and information company with huge databases that include the full legal data base “Takdin” which contains millions of verdicts and rulings that are updated daily. We also have “Mahshavot”, a textbook database. Our product is based only on relevant information and does not contain opinion articles or news reports. Any biased information, such as the information that exists in open-AI products, could alter the search results and is never used in our product.

Question: Are there potential considerations to keep in mind when using your product?

Answer: Our product is designed to enhance daily work and support lawyers in expanding their analytical capabilities. As the technology evolves, driven by continuous learning and data updates, the system’s responses may change over time. For example, an answer provided today could differ from one given in the future. It’s important for users to engage with the system thoughtfully, understanding the ethical considerations and developing a long-term interaction strategy to maximize the product’s effectiveness. Just as a new intern or legal assistant might occasionally provide an inaccurate response, the AI may also offer answers that require further scrutiny. The key difference is the speed at which the AI can generate responses, significantly reducing the time between question and answer. However, this rapid pace still necessitates careful review and guidance, much like mentoring a new team member, to ensure accuracy and reliability as both the system and the user grow and improve through ongoing use and interaction.

Question: What are the current limitations of the product?

Answer: The product is still in its early stages, and we are continuously learning alongside our users. As we gather feedback, we identify areas for improvement, address any errors, and implement new features. Our team is committed to rolling out regular updates to enhance the system’s accuracy and functionality. While we are constantly evolving, it’s important to recognize that this is an ongoing process. Rather than viewing these as limitations, we see them as opportunities for growth, personalization, and innovation. We have an ambitious roadmap ahead, focused on delivering the best possible experience for our customers and continually advancing the technology to meet their needs.

Thank you Ligal and Mila for introducing and presenting this great product to us!

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